Namaste and Sat Nam Family and Friends,
hope you are staying balanced in mind and body. and drawing in the present moment by breathing in, and breathing out. (small homage to Thich Naht Hahn)
February is Heart Health Month
question to ask: What is one way you care for your Anatomical and Energy Heart?
Anatomically, most people have their heart just to the left of their sternum and under the ribcage, very few have it on the right.
When we bring one hand to the heart, place the palm just off center to the left and see/ feel your own heart beat.
The Energy heart is the space under the collar bone and above the Solar Plexus where the ribs knit together.
The heart energy is abundant: compassion, joy, grief, love, the hands representing an extension of all that your heart desires.
You can boost your Desired Passion by wearing Green. Looking to spread Venus love, wear white, pink, lavender. What are you passionate about?
Here are 4 categories to consider to answer for yourself:
1. Get Active: 30 minutes, 5 times a week (wink, Yoga)
2. Eat Healthy: a diet rich in whole grains, protein, other
3. Manage Stress: of course i will say Yoga, breathing, and meditation; journal, rest
4. Fill your Love / Joy tank: what fills yours: art, reading, family time, plants, music, work, hiking, numerous choices
Coming up Tuesday, February 1, is the next New Moon, in Aquarius, notice your emotional states. also called the Snow Moon. And the Chinese New Year! set your intention and release your lanterns.
Ayurvedic Corner:
Abhyanga, especially now, the dry skin is getting drier. Not familiar with Abhyanga, it's an oiling of the body in such a way that you massage the lymphatic system and moisture the skin. check out this video from one of my favorite resources about Ayurvedic habits. (Banyan Botanicals)
2 documents attached. 1. upcoming events 2. weekly class schedule and descriptions thinking of each of you! take good care of yourselves. Let me know if you have any questions. I love questions!!
om santih, peace, winnie
